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The Ultimate Guide to Pipedrive Email

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Pipedrive’s email features will revolutionize the way you handle communication. Through email sync, email open and link click tracking, this powerful tool allows seamless integration between your email and Pipedrive, improving collaboration, organization, and tracking within your team.

In this article we will cover:

  1. How to sync your Email in Pipedrive
  2. How to customize your Email Sync Settings in Pipedrive
  3. Track Email opens & link clicks
  4. How to create your Email Signature in Pipedrive
  5. How to create Email Templates in Pipedrive

Step 1: Sync Your Email

Sync your email in Pipedrive in under 2-minutes. Follow these steps to get started:

  • Navigate to Personal Preferences > Email sync and click on “Connect email account.”
  • Type in your email address and click "Continue," ensuring that you're signed in to the email account in your browser.
  • Check all the necessary boxes to grant Pipedrive the required access and click "Continue."

Now you're ready to customize your syncing preferences.

Step 2: Customizing Sync Settings

After adding your email account, you'll be presented with additional setting options. Here's what you need to know:

  • Click "Start Syncing" to initiate the sync process.
  • Explore options like Default email sharing settings under the "Account" tab, where you can choose between private and shared access to your linked email conversations.
    • Shared: Email conversations will be visible to other users only when they are linked to Pipedrive items.
    • Private: Email conversations can still be linked to Pipedrive items, but they will only be visible to you.

Step 3: Track Opens and Link Clicks

By turning on Email Open and Link Click tracking, you can receive a notification every time an email is opened. My favorite part of this feature is getting a notification about a sales email being opened weeks after it was sent. That’s a buying signal and a great time to reach back out!

  • Under the "Account" tab, enable open tracking and link tracking.
  • Then navigate to the Sales Inbox, click “+New email” and draft an email to yourself or a team member. Before hitting send, click the eyeball and arrow symbol. Both icons should be blue.
  • Now click Send.

Now you’ve turned open and link click tracking on for every email you send from here on out. If you click these icons again (and they turn grey) then the feature is off again until you turn them back on.

Step 4: Creating Your Signature

Do you have an email signature set up in your email client (Outlook, Gmail, etc.)? If so, then you’ll want to recreate the same email signature in Pipedrive.

  • Navigate to Personal Preferences > Email sync and click on “+ Add signature.”
  • Enter the content you want, add an image or hyperlink, and save the template.
  • Test your signature by sending a test email to yourself.

Step 5: Create your Email Templates

Save yourself hours by creating template emails that you can use again and again! While this can be done from the Sales Inbox, best practice is to create email templates from within a Deal so that you can easily reference custom detail fields and test your templates.

  1. Within a Deal, click “Email”, “Choose template" and then "Manage Templates." Finally, click “Add new template” 
  2. Create a template name (this is internal-only. So, for example, “#1 Outreach” is a great option.)
  3. Set visibility (Private - only you can access the template or Shared - any Pipedrive user in your account can access the template) and draft your subject.
  4. Insert dynamic fields from the deal, person, or organization to personalize your template. For example, Hi {{First Name}}. You can also include dynamic fields in the subject line, for example {{First Name}} how’s it going with {{deal detail field}}?
  5. Save your template and test it by composing an email using the template.


Pipedrive’s email features will transform the way you’re able to communicate with prospects. These features make everything smoother – they improve collaboration, help you keep track of every conversation, and give you important signals about readiness to buy.. So, for a better Pipedrive experience, why not tap into the full power of integrated email communication?

Interested in setting up some email automations? Check out this video to get started Pipedrive Email Automation.

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